sociologia “compreensiva”,
Max Weber produziu a sociologia “compreensiva”, onde ele se mostra preocupado com a compreensão das atitudes dos indivíduos na sociedade, considerando que a sociologia poderia, então, explicar melhor determinados fragmentos da realidade social. English text Max Weber sociology produced "comprehensive", where he shows concerned with understanding the attitudes of individuals in society, considering that sociology could then explain certain fragments of social reality. Unlike the critical thinking of Marx, and his vision of transforming capitalist society through comprehensive sociology Weber, aims to understand the social relations. He is not thinking about transformation. For Weber, the individual through his actions is who builds society. From the perspective of comprehensive sociology, is the attitude of the scientist should be to understand and analyze social relations without interfering. The scientist remains neutral analyzes without actually relate to it. For Weber, the company is the result of rational actions of men who make their choices consciously within society. Individuals are endowed with rationality, thinking, analyzing. According to Weber, these individuals are more important than the society, since they are the ones that "give life" to society. The opposite of the thought of Durkheim, who saw society as an institution that imposes on individuals almost completely autonomous in relation to these. The object of study of sociology understanding, is the social action of individuals. These hold their shares linked to the actions of other individuals. Performs thinking of another individual. Within the society are established various types of action, but Weber believes that there are few more effective in society. Action traditional, emotional, rational regarding purposes and rational with respect to values. When the sense of actions is shared by a group of people, establish a social relationship. In politics, Weber sought to understand the foundations of legitimate domination - one that is obtained without the use of force. He identifies three basic types of legitimate domination: domination "legal" that is based on obedience through laws, statutes and established norms of society and domination "traditional" which is the sanctities of obedience in the beliefs and traditions; domination "charismatic" that obedience is the charisma of the leader. Another important point in the thought of Max Weber is education. He describes a rational education, where individuals are prepared to exercise the functions within society. For Weber, education is an instrument for social stratification, it forms the individual. An education for which the individual will follow their actions. Weber sees education as a social action. Weber points out three ways for education: Wake charisma is the way directed to those individuals who are considered unique in society, can become leaders through the development of thought. The pedagogy of culturally cultivation form the individual so that it can perform its function within the structure in which it is inserted. And the pedagogy of training prepares an expert to perform a particular function within the bureaucratic and hierarchical structure of capitalist society. Our education is geared towards the three paths. There must be a union of those terms. Training must be completed within these three perspectives, with inter-relationship of these three paths for education. Weber had a broad concept of education, which includes religious education, family, charismatic, philosophical, political and specialized. He acknowledged that the school could turn knowledge into power. According to Weber society is the result of rational actions of individuals, it causes the individual to be an autonomous, free to choose. This is a contribution to the implementation of an ideal school. The role of the educator and the school is to help students in their capacity to think as a human being. Thus enabling the creation of mechanisms of change within society. Total de visitas: 114930 |