Direito ou dever? Esse é ponto que deveria ser mais debatido do que o voto e a cidadania, mas não vou entrar no mérito dessa questão. Ao meu modo de ver deveríamos criar um projeto Lei “ficha limpa municipal” na nomeação para cargos públicos em Bacuri- MA. No modelo, a propositura veda a nomeação para cargos em comissão no âmbito dos órgãos dos Poderes Executivo e Legislativo de pessoas que tenham contra si representação julgada procedente pela Justiça Eleitoral, decisão transitada em julgado ou proferida por órgão colegiado, desde a condenação até o transcurso do prazo de oito anos após o cumprimento das penas ou infrações ditadas. O documento apresentaria e regulamentaria especialmente a situação judicial e disciplinar. A intenção seria garantir transparência e moralidade na prestação do serviço público. Tanto os políticos quantos os servidores, para atuarem no setor público, devem ter reputação e retidão moral. Estariam enquadrados na proposição, servidores em cargos de Comissão condenados por crimes como: Contra a economia popular, a fé pública, a administração pública e o patrimônio público; contra o patrimônio, o sistema financeiro e os previstos na lei que regula a falência; contra o meio ambiente e a saúde pública; eleitorais, para os quais a lei comine pena privativa de liberdade; de abuso de autoridade, nos casos em que houver condenação à perda do cargo ou à inabilitação para o exercício de função pública; de lavagem ou ocultação de bens, direitos e valores; de tráfico de entorpecentes e drogas afins, racismo, tortura, terrorismo e hediondos; de redução à condição análoga à de escravo; contra a vida e a dignidade sexual; praticados por organização criminosa, quadrilha ou bando; beneficiarem a si ou a terceiros, pelo abuso do poder econômico ou político; por corrupção eleitoral, por captação ilícita de sufrágio, por doação, captação ou gastos ilícitos de recursos de campanha ou por conduta vedada aos agentes públicos em campanhas eleitorais que impliquem cassação do registro ou do diploma; por ato doloso de improbidade administrativa que importe lesão ao patrimônio público e enriquecimento ilícito; Os que forem excluídos do exercício da profissão, por decisão sancionatória do órgão profissional competente, em decorrência de infração ético-profissional; que forem demitidos do serviço público em decorrência de processo administrativo ou judicial; aposentados compulsoriamente por decisão sancionatória, e que tenham perdido o cargo por sentença ou que tenham pedido exoneração ou aposentadoria voluntária na pendência de processo administrativo disciplinar. English text Right or duty? This is the point that should be discussed more than voting and citizenship, but I will not go into the merits of this issue. Given the pressing needs of the election, citizenship is invoked to show that the people, the voters worthy, legitimate holder of political power, is the almighty for having equal power in the hands of the vote (chapeau of art. 14 of the Constitution / 1988) than the distinction of his class, not by their color or race, much less by their level of education optionally (point a, II, § 1, CF/1988 Art.14). Unfortunately they forget that it is on behalf of the People Power must be exercised. But that's just a detail. In the name of equality and universal suffrage guaranteed by the Federal Constitution in 1988, voting to college over 16 years to over 70 years and the illiterate (Alderman and voters). Right that was won three years earlier with the Constitutional Amendment No. 25, 5/15/85, regulated by Law No. 7332, of June 1, 1985. Leaving for another time to discuss the youth vote and more than 70 years, we focus on the illiterate vote, which without a doubt, even after so many years, it is still a very contentious issue. There is a current in Congress advocating the withdrawal of the right to vote of the illiterate. The followers of this current lack enough insight to understand the necessary training to illiterate to identify the common good. Another wing, however, believes that prevent the illiterate vote would make in the electoral system as a restricted suffrage. For advocates of the illiterate vote, though unable to read or write, the illiterate is not oblivious of social life, the lives and economic facts can measure how well community decisions affecting their lives. Incidentally, this was one of the main reasons that motivated the EC No. 25/85, because the media allowed even to citizens more politically alienated, a minimum of information that overcame the difficulties caused by the lack of writing and interpreting texts. Proponent of this view, the jurist Walter Port Costa, in his Dictionary of the vote, the right to vote considering the illiterate, argued that "the sophistication of the media allows today too illiterate to a mass of information not previously one might suspect could one day be offered. " In my view we should have a "clean slate municipal project" in appointment to public office in Bacuri-MA. In the model, the proposition prohibits the appointment to commissioned positions in the bodies of the executive and legislative branches of people who have representation against it upheld by the Electoral Court, or final judgment rendered by a collegiate body, having been sentenced to the course a period of eight years after the serving of sentences dictated or infractions. The present document and regulate the situation especially judicial and disciplinary. The intention was to ensure transparency and morality in public service delivery. Both politicians how many servers to act in the public sector, should have reputation and moral rectitude. Would be covered by the proposition, servers Commission positions convicted of crimes such as: Against the popular economy, public faith, public administration and public property; against property, the financial system and of the law governing bankruptcy; against environment and public health; election, for which the law comine custodial sentence, abuse of authority, where there is sentenced to loss of office or disqualification from public office; laundering or concealment of assets , rights and values; trafficking in narcotics and similar drugs, racism, torture, terrorism and heinous; reduction to conditions analogous to slavery; against sexual life and dignity, committed by a criminal organization, gang or band; benefit you or to others, the abuse of economic power or political, for electoral corruption, illicit funding for suffrage, by donation, raising or spending campaign resources illicit or prohibited conduct by public officials in election campaigns involving revocation of registration or diploma , for a felony of administrative misconduct that matters injury to public property and unjust enrichment; Those who are excluded from the profession, by the penalty decision of the competent professional body, due to ethical and professional infraction, they are dismissed from public service due of administrative or judicial proceedings; compulsorily retired by the penalty decision, and have lost the title by a judgment or who have requested voluntary retirement or resignation pending disciplinary administrative proceeding
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